Sunshine Disposal & Recycling

Sunshine Disposal & Recycling


Sunshine Disposal & Recycling

PO Box 13369
Spokane Valley, WA 99213
(509) 252-9060
Connect With Us

In addition to municipal and county contracts, we currently own and operate G-certificates 104, 199 and 260. The G-permit is issued by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, and provides authority to collect, transport and dispose of solid waste by geographic region. Under the G-Certification we provide service in unincorporated areas of Adams, Lincoln, Spokane, Stevens and Whitman counties.

Sunshine Disposal and Recycling owns and operates a transfer station in Spokane Valley, and offers a wide variety of special services. We also operate multiple solid waste and recycling facilities for Stevens County. 

Member Since: 2009
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