



2100 24th Ave. S
Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98144 | View on Google Maps
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Our Vision

Every young person impacted by foster care determines their own future and builds the life of their dreams.

Our Mission

Treehouse creates opportunities for young people in foster care to thrive.

We believe and invest in young people throughout their childhood, education and transition to young adulthood. We partner with them and their communities to transform the systems holding them back.

The Challenges

Each day, nearly 10,000 children are in the foster care system in Washington state. They have tremendous potential, hopes and dreams for the future. But, they have a unique set of challenges, including trauma, loss and changes in homes and schools. Emotional upheaval cause youth in foster care to face social, emotional and academic challenges on top of the challenges of growing up.

Treehouse is the only nonprofit in Washington state focused on the specific educational needs of youth in foster care. Our youth-led programming model is uniquely adapted to the needs of our youth.

Our Founding Story

In 1988, a group of social workers founded Treehouse on the belief that kids in foster care deserve a community committed to their success. As firsthand witnesses to the impact of child abuse and neglect, they understood that the problems they were working to solve could not be answered alone. Funded by annual community book sales, they started small–purchasing the little things like birthday presents and school supplies.

Treehouse has experienced tremendous growth over the last 35 years. Powered by our generous donors, talented staff and many caring committed partners, Treehouse has become Washington’s leading organization addressing the academic and other essential supports of youth in foster care. Now we are nationally recognized thought leaders and innovators in our field. We approach our work with a fierce commitment toward equity, understanding that it is an investment in our mission and shared success. Lastly, we’ve proven that with a bold, ambitious goal, you can drive powerful results.

Whether you’re a student working to raise your math grade or a nonprofit ensuring graduation equity for youth in foster care, we believe success is determined by the goals you set. Goals present an important vision of the future for the community to rally behind and provide action steps to turn those visions into reality. Our youth continue to prove to us that when the community invests in intentional, individualized support for youth in foster care, we can create a world where they can pursue their dreams and launch successfully into adulthood.

Member Since: 2024
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